We are ACC registered which allows subsidised care whilst you are recovering from an injury. No referral is needed as we complete the required paperwork, carry out appropriate examinations and checks to get you covered and on the road to a speedy recovery.

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We are the preferred provider in Rotorua for chiropractic services with Southern Cross Health. Just provide us with your client number and/or policy number and we deal directly with Southern Cross to cover costs.


We have partnered with the Super Gold scheme to provide discounted prices for clients over the age of 65 years.


Mama products have an amazing range of natural and organic products for the whole family. Check out their website or the range that we have available for purchase in clinic.



All natural Pani Balms are wildcrafted in Rotorua using the healing knowledge of rongoa and the highest quality ingredients. Check out their website or the range that we have available for purchase in clinic.
